
yep avatar image
yep asked

Set up Quattro 5000. How to?

I can configure the Cerbo GX just fine from my laptop. 
With the MK3 I can configure the Quattro. 
But then I always have to plug in the cable and that's a bit of a hassle here. 
Unfortunately, the Quattro cannot be fully configured from the Cerbo. 
Could I configure the Quattro from a fixed panel? 
And if so, which panel? 
Thanks in advance.
MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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5 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Internet and VRM conection required and must be online

In the vrm select the below, then download the file and open it in ve configure do your changes then upload the changed file.

this then reprograms the multi as per the adjustments



1607404572526.png (29.5 KiB)
1607404765882.png (33.1 KiB)
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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Thanks Paul!

Good idea, but my wish is to pass the MK3 connection/cable.

I always have to plug in the cable and that's a bit of a hassle here.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

If the hassle is getting to the RJ45 inside the Quatro, it may be easier to disconnect the end connected to the Cerbo. In my situation, I unplugged the Ve.Bus cable from my CCGX and used a female-female connector to second cable to my laptop.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Anyone an idea?

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·

Thanks for all the answers.

I have found a solution myself.

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yep avatar image
yep answered ·
Sorry Paul B, you're right. Only later did I understand what you meant. I now have it in a grip and the cable is a thing of the past.
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