
alieren avatar image
alieren asked

How do I limit the total current from solar energy and the grid?

Although I set the maximum charge current via ccgx, the charge current is not limited. Only the current from the grid is restricted, but when the sun comes, it is added to the current from the mppt.

For example, I set the maximum charging power to 600W. 60V charging voltage. It limits the charging current to 10A only when the grid is present. But when solar energy is active, the charge current increases. Actually, I want to have a 10A limit. But my charge current goes up to 20A and more. How can I limit the flow of all energy from the sun and the grid?

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

You can limit system wide charge currents using compatible Victron components and a GX device.

The specific feature is called DVCC, and is an acronym of Distributed Voltage and Current Control.

Please read this DVCC section of the GX manual to get an understanding of what is required.

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