
hondroid avatar image
hondroid asked

Is the MPPT ok with a Disconnected battery?

I disconnected my battery to bring home for the winter but left the PV hooked up to the 75/15 charge controller. Any problems with leaving it hooked up without a battery?

I'm guessing that Victron has implemented some sort of safety shutdown into this device should a battery cable break or a battery become faulty.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

No problem as such, but without a battery connected, and presumably no one there, I would suggest to safely shut down and physically isolate the system as a whole.

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chad-poindexter avatar image chad-poindexter commented ·

Wow, I didn’t know this. I have momentarily shut my batteries off before disconnecting the power from the solar panels to the MPPT and was told that I likely damaged the MPPT since I didn’t disconnect it first. I was told that it was imperative to disconnect power from the panels to the MPPT before disconnecting the batteries, otherwise the MPPT wouldn’t be able to distribute the power and it would fry the MPPT. It sounds like no harm was done though? And for the record, it was only for a couple of minutes, and I haven’t noticed any issues with the equipment since ... but I have been worried I may have done some sort of damage regardless.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ chad-poindexter commented ·
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