
ropier avatar image
ropier asked

Use external grid meter for ESS


I am trying to use measurement data from an already existing grid meter for the regulation of an ESS system. The grid meter ist not directly connected to the Venus GX, so the data should be written via MQTT to Venus. For this, I have installed a dummy driver python script as described under following link with the servicename com.victronenergy.grid.virtualmeter.

Now I can send the data to the Venus via the MQTT interface, these can be seen in remote-console on lan and appear as AC loads in the Venus GUI. Because this is only a PoC, only the Victron Venus GX was purchased for testing. Unfortunately, there is currently no physical ESS system available so that I could test this case.

My questions are as follows:

Does the ESS system automatically select this virtual grid meter as the basis for the regulation?
Or can I set this anywhere?

The ESS manual only mentions a physical Victron meter and does not show the option to select a specific meter.

Thank you for your support

battery chargingVenus OS
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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·

I have a physical system I would be happy for you to use as a test bed for this.

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1 Answer
peternielsen avatar image
peternielsen answered ·

Did you ever found a solution for this ? If so what topics are you writing to ?

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