
karli avatar image
karli asked

Is it bad for a Multiplus 2 5000 to turn it of every evening and on again in the morning?


i'd like to save energie via turning off the MP2 5000 in the evening and turn it on again in the morning - especially in the sunless months December and January. Can that destroy the MP2?



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3 Answers
marvs avatar image
marvs answered ·

In general, turning electrical devices on and off repeatedly, especially those that have little or no inrush current protection, is not a good idea and tends to shorten their lifespan. I haven’t taken a look at the input circuitry of the MultiPlus but I suspect that it is inrush current protected. Nevertheless, you are submitting the switch and all the other components to repeated cycles, and at some point the weakest link in that chain will fail even if they are rated for thousands or hundreds of thousands of cycles.

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Karli

That normally is no problem, lot's of systems are switched on / off regularly (boats, RV's, etc)

on point of attention is: condensation, not an issue on most installations, but if it is: a unit that is 'on' always produces some heat, preventing condensation inside. a unit that is switched off has more chance of condensation inside if in a cold environment (especially as temperature rises in the morning).

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karli avatar image
karli answered ·

Thank you for your answers. I think condensation should be no problem in my case, because the installation is in an unsused living-room. It's not heated but it's always a little bit warmer than outside and i have never seen any condensation in this room.

I hope that the multiplus 2 is inrush current protected. But if the devices are turned off repeatedly in boats, i think (hope) they should be.

In my case, i only want to turn it of in some nights in the deepest winter, when no sun is to expect. I think 10 to 20 times per year.

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