
mehmet-emin avatar image
mehmet-emin asked

Limiting the total current goes into the Li-ion battery pack from Multiplus II 4kW inverter and MPTT solar charger

Hi Everyone,

I have a ESS system consist of 48V Li-ion battery, Custom BMS , Victron multiplus II 4kW inverter and Victron MPPT solar charger. My problem is that I can not limit the total charge current when both PV and AC grid connected to the system. I can set the current limit on the Multiplus software and it works great when there is no PV. Howewer, when I connect the PV to the Solar charger, total currents goes into the battery exceeds the limit that I have set before. What I observe is that inverter does not takes the currents coming from PV into account.

For example, if my charge current limit is set to the 40 A and inverter feds from AC grid only, current coming from inverter doesnt exceeds 40A. if I connect a PV which is capable of giving 10 amperes, total current goes into the battery becomes 50A while limit was 40A.

Is there any way to limit the total current coming from PV+ AC grid to the 48V li-ion battery pack?

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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