
lucode avatar image
lucode asked

How do i use VE configure with Linux (ubuntu)?

With the help from some hints from this post I could run VE configure on my Kubuntu 20.4 notebook. But I used the tool PlayOnLinux instead of Wine directly. Here the steps I did:

  1. Installing Ubuntu Wine Emulator PlayOnLinux
  2. Installing inside PlayOnLinux a recent Wine version (version 5.22 actually)
  3. Click in PlayOnLinux on Install program
  4. Click in the windows below Install a non listed program
  5. Then a assistant appears and gives some hints and asks what you want to do.
  6. Choose install Wine and select V5.22 (I used 32bit version)
  7. Then it downloads Wine and asks for some libraries as Gecko
  8. If this is done the assistant ask to select a install file, search for VE Configure EXE and install it
  9. Now VE Configure should run, ev. you need to tweak some display setting via Configuration settings
  10. Next steps are related to MK3-USB connection, which I explain in a answer below.



Venus OS
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lucode avatar image lucode commented ·

First I did try to use the default Wine package, that comes with Ubuntu, but using this setup resulted in a obstacle to use VE configure. It wan't possible to update VE configure nor to load an assistant. Ev. there are other ways to get it running, but I like using PlayOnLinux because you can add other Windows software without much of hassle. And everything is nicely separated.

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9 Answers
lucode avatar image
lucode answered ·

Connect a MK3-USB to VE Configure on PlayOnLinux Wine / Ubuntu.

  1. Plugin the MK3 and run,
    Result should contain something as this:
    Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0403:6015 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd Bridge(I2C/SPI/UART/FIFO)
  2. Run,
    dmesg | grep ttyUSB
    Result should contain:
    [85180.751973] ftdi_sio 1-2:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
    [85180.752052] usb 1-2: Detected FT-X
    [85180.752831] usb 1-2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB4
  3. When it works you see that the USB device is linked to serial port ttyUSB4, then go to your profile and look in the folder .PlayOnLinux in the usbfolder wineprefix for your installation. In your VE configure folder is then the correct dosdevices folder,
    ls -l dosdevices/
    Result should contain:
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 lucas lucas 12 Dec  2 13:59 com1 -> /dev/ttyUSB4
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 lucas lucas 12 Dec  2 13:59 com10 -> /dev/ttyUSB4.
    If not you need to link a com port to the serial USB port in opening a com(x) link and change it to your USB port.
  4. Now you need to the same for Windows by opening Regedit in the PlayOnLinux configration settings of VEconfig.
  5. Create string entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wine\Ports where the entry name is the Windows device name and the entry value is the path to the Unix device (see image).
  6. Start VE Configure and disable the Option "Scan for Comports", then try to connect with you selected com port.



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Gonzalo Cruz avatar image
Gonzalo Cruz answered ·

Awesome. It worked for me using Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS and the Victron MK3 to USB interface.

Thank you very much for the explanation and details.

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saxofon avatar image
saxofon answered ·

While this work on Fedora 34 also (remember to install wine.i686 instead of default 64-bit :) ), there is issue with modern displays high resolution...


Not sure if it is visible in the picture, but the GUI from the app is extremely small and I cannot read the text. The picture is a fullscreen screenshot on a 13 inch laptop.

I would like to see a new fresh VE-Configure that is useable on linux too. If I would do such today, I'd probably use a container which contains all the application plus it's dependencies. It wouldn't have any graphic stuff (thus quite slim and with few dependencies!) and instead a webserver with some HTML5 coded app. Then we would use our common browsers and browse to the local port which the system running container (normally docker or podman) expose. The javascript part that is downloaded to browser would be handling the GUI and communication to the local attached Mk3 VE interface usb device or so. This would then work on windows, linux and mac. It would also pave the way perhaps to also be able to run this container on the venus device? and we would browse to the venus device for this. For VE there is benefit of one app used in all sorts of platforms instead of having to support a multitude apps for different platforms.

Could this dream be made true? :) This would allow me to finally update my Multiplus so I get rid of that false overload situation :D

highres-issue.png (5.7 MiB)
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muddy1 avatar image
muddy1 answered ·

It worked on Linux Mint 20, up to a point...

It talks to the Multi, but will not connect to the internet to download any Assistants, so I still can't set anything up.

Any ideas on how to solve this ?

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muddy1 avatar image
muddy1 answered ·

Finally resolved the missing assistants problem.

Whilst the latest version of wine was loaded on the computer, the "play on Linux" was using an earlier version. When the latest version was added and VE reinstalled to use version 5.22 the missing assistants were added.

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nimrod avatar image
nimrod answered ·

Thanks for your good job.

I try to connect the mk2-usb but it is not working Ve configure and network connection are ok but com port is not working. I need help please


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mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

I upgraded to a distro based on Ubuntu 20 (PeppermintOS) and this did not work because i386 architecture was not enabled. Playonlinux would just report that Wine crashed. I finally found a solution, sharing it here for any who have the same issue. The last post on this thread did the trick:

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haig-papaghanian avatar image
haig-papaghanian answered ·

I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 and following all the above instructions, VE.Configure was not able to detect my device. I've never personally had a good experience with Wine. Rather, I followed @lucode's instructions to verify and identify the usb device. From there, I installed VirtualBox (free and available from the Ubuntu Software app). I installed a free 90 day trial of Windows available for download from Finally, I configured the virtual machine to map COM1 to /dev/ttyUSB0:


This worked perfectly and will likely be more consistent than using Wine. Thank you @lucode for all the info! I wouldn't have gotten this working without your guidance.

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artvladi avatar image
artvladi answered ·

I was getting a device/port connection error in VE configure until I added the ubuntu user to the tty group like this:

sudo usermod -a -G tty your_username

and also dialout:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout your_username

after that it all worked

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