Hello together,
we installed a Three-Phase System in a Truck for sewer rehabilitation.
Following Components are in the system installed:
3x Quattro 24-3000
1x MG Master LV 1000A
4x MG HE 24V/200Ah
1x Cerbo GX
1x DMC
1x Battery Protect 220A
1x Fischer Panda 8000x 3ph 400V with CI-Interface
Now my customer wants to have the option to charge the system in his vehicle hall with 230V 1ph. I tried to configure this with the VE.Bus System Configurator but failed.
I heard of a possible solution in the online-training at victron professional to configure a three phase system with a 1ph 230V supply and a 3ph 400V outcome at the inverters.
Is there anybody who can tell me if it's possible (and how to do) to combine a solution using the ACin #1 (of only Inverter 1 for example) to charge/supply with 230V and alternatively using the 3 x ACin's #2 of all Quattros together for charging/supplying the system with 400V?
Thank you very much for your support!
Sebastian from