
Alan Piggot avatar image
Alan Piggot asked

Voltage at input isolator argofet alternator is off

When every load is off on the boat, the input at the battery isolator argofet reads 4.4 volts. If I disconnect the house output, the voltage drops at the input to 2.2 volts. But, not, the output 2 terminal will also read 2.2. volts.

It seems that my outputs are actually pushing voltage through the isolator to the rest of the terminals.

Is this normal?

@Alexandra - Any thoughts? You were so good with the monitor :)

battery charging
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Alan Piggot

I must confess I have never fitted an argofet. It does sound like a parasite load though.

As far as I know it won't be the argofet as it needs a certain voltage to energise, I may be mistaken. But I am sure it can be worked out. Are you reading the voltage with the ignition on or off? And are you measuring it at ground and input?


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Alexandra ♦ commented ·

On boats and vehicles often there is a ground connection that's corroded or not quite right that causes parasitic drain.

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1 Answer
Alan Piggot avatar image
Alan Piggot answered ·


Ignition is off. And measuring at input and ground.

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