
alieren avatar image
alieren asked

High current spike when we connect the battery pack into the inverter

In our design, we use li-Ion battery pack which is 48 V. Our problem is that when we connect the battery pack to the inverter, inverter draws too much current because of the capacitors inside inverter(600-1000A) and this causes our BMS goes into the short circuit protection. We thought that we can solve this problem by using soft starter. I wonder if your Inverter has this soft starter feature or not ?If not, How can we solve this problem.

Thank you

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1 Answer
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

There is no "soft starter". Current Spike at Connection time is quite normal.

Most people with such a problem use precharge resistors. A lot of BMS are able to utilize a precharge contactor which is then connected to a big resistor .... after a few seconds of charging the main contactor is closed.


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