I have read multiple times that ESS is not for off-grid situations but it is not clear to me the reasoning...
If ESS, requires a constant set point consuming from grid, while there are batteries on system to support that load and even tho sometimes it feeds into the grid, I do not see the point of consuming 2+Kwh daily from grid just because of it.
I was thinking, somehow configuring a relay to cut AC-in when battery is over 25% and when it is not off peak hours. That way the system will use ESS when its required, but if not will only use Solar and batteries. Is there a reason why I should not do this?
Currently there is a contactor connected to the Ziehl anti-islanding device, which is NO so I thought, that if I put the contactor trough a programable relay, unless Victron sees its over 25% or its within off-peak times, that relay will be closed, thus not activating ACin.
Is it viable? Is it a crazy idea? If so why?