Off-Grid system has 2 x Quattro 48/10000 in Parallel with 24 x Pylontech US2000 & LV HUB, Cerbo GX, Lynx Distribution system inc Lynx Shunt, 2 x 250/100 VE.Can MPPTs ground array, 2 x Fronius 6KW PV Inverters roof array. Perking 12kVA Generator. All kit a few months old. All Firmware updated to the very latest.
Following the Victron documentation Pylontech (Type B cable) to Cerbo VE.Can BMS connections. MPPTs and Lynx Shunt to Cerbo VE.Can connections. Quattros to VE.Bus connections. DVCC enabled, settings as per the book.
Problem: With CAN-bus BMS (500 kbit/s) CAN-profile in the CCGX as per the book, the MPPTs and Lynx Shunt disappear. They reappear if the baud rate is set to 250 kbit/s. Various problems manifesting such as auto-run generator stops working etc.
Am aware that others have had similar issues with the 250/500 kbit/s conflict. Any suggestions how to get round this - thinking switch the MPPTs to VE.Direct connection instead of Can but hate work-arounds and want the correct solution!
Thanks in advance!