
greg avatar image
greg asked

Connect Venus RPI

Hi I installed the latest Venus RPI version (2018-12-01 18:33 92M) on RPI 3 B+. It installed properly and I can see Victron blue logo and command prompt.

RPI connected to the router via Ethernet cable and IP assigned via DHCP. I can see IP address - However when I tried to connect via browser on iPAD to nothing happen. Ping to also does not return any result and timeout.

However when I type on RPI black screen ->> wget it returns code 200.

So question is - why browser or ping can not find the Raspberry PI? Do i need some "special"configuration on router side or RPI side?

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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8 Answers
markus avatar image
markus answered ·

Hi, you can view your RasPi IP configuration with "ifconfig" command.

No further config must be done, as the Raspi's LAN console is accessible per default.

Ping command should also work...

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greg avatar image
greg answered ·

Hi Markus,

This is what i've done to get IP address. I am running on RPI 3 B+. May it cause the issues?

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ commented ·


regarding to: raspberrypi-install-venus-image your 3B+ should work.

with a "strange" note:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 B+: same as the B. Requires v2.30~16 or later for the WiFi to work.

I have several 3 B Pis running with Venus, connected over WiFi for over a year now with no issues.

Try to connect it to another LAN and try again, maybe you have a double IP address conflicting?

If that doesn't work, maybe a clean and new install is worth a try...



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atanas avatar image
atanas answered ·

Is there a solution for this? I have the same issue - everything loads (on Pi 3 B+), but I can't access the IP of the Pi via the browser. I re-installed this version several times and tried with older versions without success.

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Roger Rossow avatar image
Roger Rossow answered ·

I am up against the same problem as @greg and @antanas with my newly acquired RPI 3B+.

Ping from another computer on the network does not work. Running an IP scan from the same computer will though list the IP and MAC address of the RPI so somehow the RPI is visible on the network.
Logged on to my router and the RPI is not in the client list.

Another observation is that WIFI does not seem to work either. Running: connmanctl technologies will only list the ethernet interface.

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chamberwil avatar image
chamberwil answered ·

I had the same issue and I have solved it! I needed to update my RPI3B+ firmware and configure a file and that's it!!

Ok, first thing is you need to update your RPI3B+ firmware. You can get it from here

Download it.

To update your firmware load up your SD card on your computer and look for the Config.txt file.

In that file you will see this;





Change bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb to bcm2710-rpi-3-b-plus.dtb. Then save your changes.

Ok, next step is the copy that file you downloaded earlier and copy it to your SD.

Now just put your SD card back in your RPI3B+ and BOOOM!

Cheers!! @greg @RogerR @Atanas

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Roger Rossow avatar image Roger Rossow commented ·


Changed as per instructions above and voila; The RPI Ethernet port is up an running.


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi all,

what Venus version did you install on your RaspberriPi3's? It needs to be v2.30 minimum.

I think i know the problem: the RapsberryPi3+ support is fixed in Version v2.30; which is not officially available yet.

And (and here comes the confusion) while v2.30 was available as a test version for weeks already; including the mentioned fixed; its now not anymore.

See latest emails in victron-dev-venus google group for more info.

Within one or two weeks we'll have a v2.30 test version available again for download; and then a bit later officially and then the whole confusion is forever in the past.

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Roger Rossow avatar image
Roger Rossow answered ·

Just in case someone pops by here:

I followed these instructions to get the WIFI up and running on the 3B+:


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Roger Rossow avatar image
Roger Rossow answered ·

Installed v2.22 off github


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, ah yes that explains it: no out of the box wifi working for the RaspberryPi 3+ in that version; requires the instructions you linked too.

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