
oskaratk avatar image
oskaratk asked

Considering a MPPT 250/100 for solar broadband tower and high capacity battery bank


first I am new to Victron devices - but have good experience in electric/electronics.

I am about to build a solar- powered broadband tower. Devices will consume approx 300 to 400W - 24/7/365.
Considering 4 days no radiation and spare gets me to a 50kWh bank, lead acid type.

The big question for me is whether with a Victron charge controller I simply can draw the load current directly from the battery. ( I had bad experience with a different brand, the constant load taken off the battery did lead to the charge controller overcharging the batteries and kill them )

Thanks for your input

mppt charging
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Howdy @oskaratk

This question is a little surprising. No charge controller should overcharge your batts, unless it's set up that way. The 250/100 has no load outputs of it's own, and is designed to charge independently of batt loads. Not to say that 'virtual' safeguards can't be put in place..

Your system is substantial, and without knowing what you have already installed for monitoring, Victron excels with this. Let's say the addition of a VenusGX, a Smartshunt, and www to the (free) VRM portal, you could have access to a very fine monitoring and remote control system. It'll graph just about anything, and you can set alarms that can be notified by email.

But it depends what you want. Dare to dream, and you might find much or all of it is already available. But come back if you need..

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oskaratk avatar image
oskaratk answered ·

agree, no charge controller should overcharge.

It is going to be a new system - so nothing installed or cast in stone yet.

As a rural Internet Service Provider, we monitor all kinds of devices using Zabbix. Consequently what I was reading about the Venus GX really looks interesting. VRM portal not so much.

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