
Dave avatar image
Dave asked

MPPT Feature Request

Having recently replaced a cheap and nasty (although fully functional) generic Chinese MPPT for a nice Victron BlueSolar Charge controller MPPT 100/50 which has been great apart from a couple of days where it stopped producing any output, which required a full power down reboot to bring back online again. Anyway this is not the basis for my post.

I am lacking, what in my opinion is a crucial piece of information in the parameters available. On the main history display in the VictronConnect app, I can see the solar power yield displayed only in watts, which is fine to a degree.

As we are focused on amps and amp hours when we are looking at the BMV 712 Smart Battery Monitor data in the same app, surely it would make sense to display amp hours in the solar yield history too?

Okay we can gain information from the watt hours shown, but without voltage data, we have no way to determine the amp hours, from the data provided.

It could be argued that the watt hours information is adequate, but for the brain that speaks in amp hours, it is an annoyance to say the least.

Can we have amp hours too please?

Pretty please.

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Do you see this as an option to select instead of kWh, or an additional row of information?

The biggest issue I have with Ah when talking to customers is that they forget to say the hours part. And tell me they are only seeing 50 A coming in (which is normal).

But this also happens is with kW and kWh.

We would not get rid of kWh yield completely, as many batteries (not lead acid) are moving to kWh as the unit of measurement. It is also useful as loads are more often measured in (kilo)Watts and consumption in (kilo)Watt Hours.

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greenbimoon avatar image greenbimoon commented ·

I would also very much like to see Ah as I do all my battery energy calculations with Amp hours.

Would appreciate if this was added.

Thank you

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Dave avatar image
Dave answered ·

Hi Guy, thanks for getting back to me.

"Do you see this as an option to select instead of kWh, or an additional row of information? ""

An additional line of data to display amp hours would be ideal. I understand those points that you make and they make perfect sense.

The inclusion of amp hour data would be the icing on the cake & provide the ultimate in terms of information that we can use.

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kryz avatar image
kryz answered ·

I am also very interested in having the Ah integrated into the daily yield recorded in the history.

And @Guy Stewart, I would see it as an additional row of information.

It would make it a very useful bit of kit.

I agree with Dave Hill, "Can we have amp hours too please?"

Thank you

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