
Marko avatar image
Marko asked

Venus OS, DC input and load=SOC

Hello, please help

In my small system I use a SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 that is connected to a battery. Two 90W solar panels charge system. Now in the cold part of the year I don't have an inverter connected to the system. I only use DC load on MPPT for lighting, internet and Raspbery PI. That way I have an accurate insight into charging and consumption so I can calculate the SOC batteries (of 55AH cca600W), but I would like to see that in VENUS. I don't have a BMW!

Is it possible to configure it in VenusOS? I am attaching screen of what the view of the console looks like now. thx in andvance

dc system
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

No, you will need the internal battery monitor of a Multi/Quattro or an external battery monitor like BMV-700/702/712 or a SmartShunt.

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Marko avatar image Marko commented ·

And I thought so, but I was secretly hoping for some other answer :) € 150 goes for SmartShunt ... thx

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Marko avatar image
Marko answered ·

Thank you for your reply. I have a new question ... Why isn't consumption recorded on Dashboard? It consumes about 250w-350w per day. Thank you

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