
stuart avatar image
stuart asked

12v narada lead carbon charging specs with multiplus

hello, can anyone help me with the correct settings for a multiplus with narada lead carbon batteries using ve config. i have included some documentation from narada, thanks so much, regards stuart

Multiplus-IIbattery charging
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Hello Stuart

That document is confusing. It is saying that the Float Voltage per cell is higher than the Equalisation Voltage per cell. This information is wrong. It seems to be the correct way around for the pack Voltages though.
Also there is no Absorb Voltage stated anywhere. We need this value before we can advise you.

Please could you contact Narada and ask them to clarify their documaentation for you.

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Volker avatar image Volker commented ·

Hi - not sure whether this is the same battery type, but when searching for this battery and a operating manual in pdf form, the result gives a pdf that shows this discrepancy in table 3-1, but further on in the text when the temperature behavior is described in table 3-2, the values look reasonable.

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ishtiaq avatar image
ishtiaq answered ·


am having the same issue with Narada 12HTB200-F

Also there is no Absorb Voltage stated anywhere

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alan avatar image
alan answered ·

The document seems to have a few typos.

here’s the Narada manual.
Also you have to decipher the terms that manufactures use for different settings.

Assuming you use them in a cyclic profile, ie draw every night.

Absorption 2.3v/c

Float 2.25v/c

Temperature Compensation -5mV/c/cell

Charging current. .2C10

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