With a BMV712, shunt that is correctly wired and an ESS MP2/Smart solar MPPT setup (victron gel batteries), I have continuous issues with reported SOC and what it does with system performance.
I only use the top 30% of battery for use overnight.
On a good day, SOC gets to around 97/98% when the shunt will sync the SOC to 100% (my shunt charge voltage is midpoint between float and absorb at 55.4V).
The problem comes in if there has been a bad light day, or like now in warm temps (31C) the inverter decides to not do a bulk/aborb cycle as the voltage is at a temperature adjusted float voltage and can't trigger the sync. The only change in the environment is temperature and with increased cooling loads ESS hits the minimum SOC threshold very early in the morning.
The inverter stays permanently in float. Unless I manually sync the SOC, it will continue to slowly leak, which means there is less discharge by night.
I have several installs all doing the same thing where before the increase in power required at night and the increase in temps it worked fine.
Trying to get assistance with this is near impossible.
The shunt should be able to do a better job of measuring the SOC.