Hi all, couple of questions please 1. possible to hook a 12v hotspot router to the cerbo unit ? get the power from it ? 2. is it possible to remotely shut down the cerbo unit and thus the router that is plugged into it ? the backstory - my boat has a multiplus 1600 + cerbo GX , i only need to charge the boat when i come back from sea, it will be connected to shore power for a few hours, when its full someone at the marina will unhook the shore power cable and load the boat into a drystack which doesnt have power socket on it so i want everything off to kill off any consumption. what will be left consuming is the router, the cerbo and the bmv 712, will check it more in depth tomorrow but from what we seen they all take about 1.2A when running, which means it will eat up my 180AH house battery in well for the sake of argument 180hours - about a week , which is not a lot of time, TIA.