
Jespinosa avatar image
Jespinosa asked

What does the Temperature L1 Alarm on VE.Bus System mean?

We have a AC coupling off grid system with a Quattro 48/8000 together with a Fronius Symo 8.2, a 14,4 kWh Pylontech battery system a 5kVA genset and a Color Control device.

Today we have recieve the following alarm message:

Temperature L1 on VE.Bus System.

Looking teh system through the VRM we can see that alarms in teh alarm register, but don't see anymore details about this alarm.
Checking the battetry temperature log doesn't show any problem, so looks like the alrma doesn't refer to the battery temperature.

Could someone tell me what is this alarm about?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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arnold-southey avatar image arnold-southey commented ·
I have the same problem on my Quatro 48/800 working with 2 x MPPT 250/70 and 2 x Freedom Won 15/12 LiFePO4 batteries. Even like this morning it is cool, no heat on Quatro and Batteries sitting at 97% charge and getting charged from 2 x MPPT's.
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7 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Jespinosa,

This alarm refers to the internal temperature of the Quattro Inverter/Charger itself.

It can be caused due to a large demand, and is exacerbated by a high ambient temperature or insufficient ventilation.

A good example of a large demand is many hours at maximum power. Such as you would get from charging a lithium battery from quite flat, to nearly full using an AC PV inverter.

Victron systems are more efficient (=less heat) when using our DC MPPTs to charge the DC batteries rather than from AC using the Inverter/Charger.

If it is a re-occuring problem, you might wish to try reducing the maximum DC charge current setting in VE.Configure Or in VictronConnect.

This will increase the time to take charge the batteries. For example instead of charging at 100A for 1 hour, you might instead charge at 80A for 1 hour and 15 minutes. That extra 15 minutes might allow the Quattro to dissipate the extra heat and prevent the alarm.

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pnorberciak avatar image
pnorberciak answered ·

Unfortunately I have this alarm permanently after few days of using the system. The graph of current does not look like overloaded and the system reported the alarm after few hours of the highest current and the inverter is cold and well ventilated. What should I do in this situation Victron Multi is cutting off the output so it not comfortable for the user. I am sending the graph and the failure appear at 1.png

2022-11-09 17:03:32

1.png (55.7 KiB)
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ryanbland007 avatar image
ryanbland007 answered ·

Any clarity on how to rectify this , I have the same problem with my 15000 Quattro , any answers will be appreciated- thank you

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offgridcircuits avatar image
offgridcircuits answered ·

Same problem with a Multiplus 12V 2X120 leg system. L1 goes into temp warning.

Now I built a ventilation system that pulls cool air conditioned air into the compartment. It would go into temp warning after about 25 minutes before the ventilation system (blows cool air in and exhausts air out), but I ran a test today. The compartment got was doing fine to about 89°F then at 90, I got the warning after 3 hours of running AC. It was a 1800 Watt load from the Air Conditioner. This unit should handle this. I'm very perplexed on what to do next. Submerge it in dry Ice?

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

If the "compartment" is 32 degrees Celcius, imagine the internal system temperature when running a relatively heavy load such as an AC constantly for 3 hours on what I assume is a 3KVA (2400W) model. Feel free to post a picture of the installation for a fair assessment and better understanding of your plight. Also, does the internal fan work?

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offgridcircuits avatar image offgridcircuits ejrossouw commented ·

Internal fan works. I used the victron logic relay to turn on the compartment blower when the victron fans come on and that activates another relay to turn on the blower (pulls cool air from inside the RV to the compartment) and two exhaust fans. Is there anyway to figure out what the internal temp of the inverter is from cerbo or victron connect?

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Mike Weerdenburg avatar image Mike Weerdenburg offgridcircuits commented ·

Today I also had a "Temperature L3: Warning", but I miss the temperature value in this warning because in this way it's impossible to have any clue about if it got really too hot. It would be great if such data would be read-able from the Cerbo GX (and thus Node-red, so I could take action before the warning occurs).

> I used the Victron logic relay to turn on the compartment blower...
Ps. May I ask what settings did you use to accomplish this?

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gamechanger avatar image
gamechanger answered ·


got a Problem with my multiplus 48/5000 its in a basement, so temperatur about 15 degrees. Its got absolutly no work, like 100 watt or something, its night load.

Now it switches on the alert *Temperatur* its colt, its nowhere hot not even warm. Also Battery is cold their is no load. (and also it shows 19 degree in settings)

But fan is doing like a tornado...... :-D

Look the pictures.






Thanks for any help

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gamechanger avatar image
gamechanger answered ·

Can anyone solve this i made a video too :-)

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bulraydin avatar image bulraydin commented ·
Hi @gamechanger could you find the solution to your problem in the mean time ? probably the temperature sensor was damaged ? I get sometimes this error as well. I think also cabling could cause such a problem .
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robertri avatar image
robertri answered ·

SAME behaviour - all is cold no heavy loads - plan is running over 3 months - also 15min OFF for cooling still the same issue. no external temp sensor used

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