
seb avatar image
seb asked

BMV-712 setup wizard. How to bypass/ignore/disable step 1.2 (aux: starter, mid point, temp)?

Probably a really dumb question. I have a two LiFEPO4 batteries in parallel in an TT. There is no second battery system. I am trying to run the setup on the BMV-712 unit and follow the manual. I enter the battery capacity in step 1.1, However, step 1.2 is not needed as I do not have a separate starting battery, I do not need a midpoint monitoring and I have no temp sensor. Yet the setup on the 712 display (not through the app) keeps insisitng about the info for aux imput by cycling into step 1.2 after I setup the battery cap in step 1.1. With only three options and no skip option displaying on the LCD screen for te 712. How do I ignore.disable this step? Thank you.

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Just set it to "starter battery" and done. With the VictronConnect app you can go to the display settings and disable starter voltage, temperature and mid-point voltage. So you don't see these values at the display of the BMV, but the starter voltage is still shown in the app, just ignore it.

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seb avatar image
seb answered ·

Thank you. I diid that and selected starter with disabled the starter, mid point and temp monitoring in the app. Seems to work although the display pegging the system in the app as "starter battery" is kind of annoying... It seems that there should be more options for this or at least a skip step in setup to ignore it all together. Setting it up as a "starter" battery when it is not a starter system but a Travel Trailer Deep cycle LiFePo4 battery bank is kind of dumb. I would imagine not many people purchasing BVM sytem to monitor a starter battery which cost half the price:) , Most likely use is for monitoring a battery bank in solar/rv systema so why not make that an o[tion?..... but enough about software engineers :)...

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