Hi all,
I have an off grid system comprising 4 x 250/85 smartsolar MPPTs with 1000AH 48V NiFe battery bank and a Cerbo GX (plus a bunch of other stuff that isn't relevant to this question)
Because my batteries are weird, the MPPTs generally never go into absorption or float mode unless I turn them off for half an hour once the batteries are full (before 10am most days...).
I've written some code using the python pymodbus libraries that successfully reads and writes register 774 on the MPPTs to turn the controllers off when I see 100% charge state and 64.7V on the batteries, then turn them on again half an hour later, but this is crude, crude, crude...
Register 775 (the charge state) is read only, so I can't just change the state to "absorption" or "float".
Does anyone know of any programmatic way that I can give the controllers a kicking and force them into float mode?
thanks in advance,