
solgato avatar image
solgato asked

75/15 Not Pairing with Connect very Odd Behavior

Got a strange one for you all.

I have two MPPT 75/15 and a BMV-712 all networked together.

A few months ago I noticed I couldn’t pair with one of my 75/15 using the Connect App. It consistently loads to 60% and stops.

As far as I can tell everything is up to date.

Today I finally got around to trying to troubleshoot my system.

First let me say that my chargers have been connected without PV input and were disabled in the App but still connected to my 24V bank.

For many months I would look for the periodic flashing of the blue LED’s of each unit to know they were still sitting idle in communication.

First thing I did today was disconnect power and remove and check the fuse because the 75/15 in question has no LED lights working.

The fuse was fine, so I reconnected power and tried to pair using Connect and got the same behavior, loads to 60% without any LED behavior.

Next I paired with the other 75/15 and when I did that, I noticed the yellow and green LED’s of the non functioning unit flash in unison 8 times repeatedly then stop. At that point the other unit was paired with Connect.

I can repeat this behavior consistently. I have tried removing both my 712 and the properly working 75/15 from the network and the behavior is the same.

Interestingly enough, regardless of whether or not the 75/15 has power, the App still loads to 60% and stops when trying to pair with Connect.

I have verified the unit in question is getting power and I have disconnected the PV input wiring as well as the Load Output wiring to completely isolate it.

To make things even stranger, if I pull the fuse on the unit that won’t pair, it causes the other one not to pair.

The non pairing unit has to have power in order for the other one to pair with Connect.

It’s almost as if the Connect App is communicating with the unit I can’t pair with first, before pairing with the one that does work.

Anyone have any ideas?

MPPT Controllers
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solgato avatar image solgato commented ·

Well I decided to unpair the device from my IPad and re-paired it when prompted by Connect and now it is working,

One of the things that was confusing me that I think I figured out, is that the Blue LED on my working unit is burned out and I assumed that was the one that wasn’t pairing. That is why the green and yellow lights were flashing.

As it turns out, it was the other unit whose LED’s are working that was unable to pair with Connect.

Other than having a bad LED which I’m not too thrilled about, everything seems to be back to normal again.

Time to get the black magic marker out and label the two units!

Anyway, if anyone else runs into pairing issues with the App timing out, try removing the charger from your devices Bluetooth list, then relaunch Connect and enter default or special PIN code to re-pair.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Glad you got the issue sorted out. Resetting to defaults is a recommended way to troubleshoot a setup.

You can rename in software the mppts this helps with knowing which you are connecting to.

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