
Dave Herder avatar image
Dave Herder asked

MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 120 Temperature Sense error and Battery Temperature alarm

I have an ongoing problem with what seems to be erroneous High Temperature alarms on the Multiplus 12/3000/120-50.

The unit details:

MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 120V

Firmware version 475

Last connection 5 minutes ago

Product id 2702

VE.Bus connection VE.Bus

Hardware configuration Single unit

VRM instance 0

Things I've done to troubleshoot:

-- checked all terminal connections... everything is tight.

-- manually measured surface temperature of multiplus, which ranges between 20C and 30C.

-- upgraded firmware to latest version

-- temp alarm doesn't seem to have a pattern for which it gets tripped. When the alarm goes off, there doesn't seem to be excessive load on the system.

-- I observed that the fan on the unit does not come on and I thought it was a faulty fan. I added a large load to the system by turning on the AC unit when inverting and the fan promptly came on. So, I'm thinking the fan is working as it should.

-- the unit is installed in a bench seating area, which is enclosed. I thought ventilation was a problem, so I added 4 cooling fans and external ventilation, still received alarms.

Any ideas on what else to check?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargermultiplus ve.busTemperature Sensoralarm
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10 Answers
paulgel avatar image
paulgel answered ·

I have the same issue on the same model Quattro. My firmware is up to date as of this morning. Any updates? Is this a battery temperature issue or something else?

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Michael Schmidt avatar image
Michael Schmidt answered ·

Same Error here on Multiplus 12/3000/120

Input is used for BMS connection

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Dave Herder avatar image
Dave Herder answered ·

Shout out to the awesome guys at AM Solar in Oregon for helping me figure this issue out!

The main cause was due to enabling DVCC in the Color Control unit. I had previously tested this out and had disabled the option but the problem persisted, but did not know that if DVCC is enabled (and then you want to subsequently disable it later), you need to follow a Reset and re-discovery procedure to truly disable the setting.

Tip: For those experiencing the issue, look at the AC Input Current charts in VRM. Here's a screenshot of what input current looked like before:

And now after DVCC is disabled properly:

1 comment
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gamechanger avatar image gamechanger commented ·
How you dissabled, everywhere stands its activated and i cant stop it.
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rostyvyg avatar image
rostyvyg answered ·

I have the same error here on Multiplus 12/3000/120. Latest firmware. I have a Victron Battery Monitor BMV-712 with a separate temperature sensor connected to it and DVCC enabled in Cerbo GX. The Cerbo always selects the BM temp sensor when selection is set to "Automatic". The temp sense warning comes up randomly regardless of the charger state ( connected to AC, disconnected to AC, inverting). Checked the battery temperature with an infrared thermometer - it is fine. The charger fan is not running and the charger itself is at room temperature. I do not want to disable the DVCC because I have solar controllers as well and like how the whole system works. I did an Internet search and it appears quite a widespread problem and Victron is not responding to it.

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neildilgee avatar image
neildilgee answered ·

I have the same issue on my multis ( parallel system)

Bith are over heating because the fans are not kicking in.

Victron please help!

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gamechanger avatar image
gamechanger answered ·

Same Problem i need help to solve nothing in the manual !

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jesse-proudman avatar image
jesse-proudman answered ·

I also seem to have this issue.

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tdentel avatar image
tdentel answered ·

I'm having the same issues. High Temp Alarm, shut down, 30 seconds it restarts.

Minimal load, low ambient temp.

Where is Victron's support??

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rostyvyg avatar image
rostyvyg answered ·

Victron needs to put its act together when it comes to resolving these issues. The local dealers are not equipped to solve such odd problems and there is no way to open a direct communication line with the manufacturer. So frustrating!

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007systems avatar image
007systems answered ·

Same issue here. DVCC is not enabled.

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