
João Pedro Morais avatar image
João Pedro Morais asked

BYD LVL 15.4 - Cell imbalance warning

I have a single phase system with 2 Fronius Primo 6.0-1, 1 Victron quattro 15000 and 1 BYD LVL 15.4 battery. My peek production is limited to 11.5kW.

CCGX is always displaying Cell Imbalance Warning.

Is this a problem to the system or batteries?

Can this be fixed?


João Morais

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2 Answers
n-dee avatar image
n-dee answered ·

What firmware do you use?
had this issue with v2.60 and an old BYD firmware.

So if you are on 2.60 with your victron equipment be sure to install the newest firmware on your byd box. You may do this with BE Connect on your smartphone.


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João Pedro Morais avatar image João Pedro Morais commented ·

Thanks a lot. Installing the new firmware fixed the issue.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Joao Pedro Morais

If the BYD is connected with a data cable it is the battery giving the warning and the CCGX is displaying it.

The BYD should correct itself with it's internal balancing mechanisms. If it does not over a few days then maybe talk to your battery supplier.

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João Pedro Morais avatar image João Pedro Morais commented ·

Thank you for the quick reply.

But the problem was fixed installing the new firmware on the BYD-Box using BE Connect app with my smartphone.

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