
James Verster avatar image
James Verster asked

Why is peak PV production limited?

What could cause this PV production to be limited from a pure sine wave if:
1. No clouds
2. No shadows
3. battery SOC is at 50% SOC and end to 80% SOC by 15h00
4. No obvious obstructions.
5. All 4 MPPts do the same thing as MPPT 258.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
dgnevans avatar image
dgnevans answered ·

Firstly we need to know more info on your system. what panels you have connected to each MPPT. What batteries you are using. What settings are being used on the mppt's. from there we can advise what could potentially restrict the performance of your system.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

A Charge Current Limit imposed on the system by a managed battery via DVCC could cause this limitation.

Also possibly a voltage rise somewhere in the system due to a poor connection, or insufficient wire thickness.

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pmano avatar image pmano commented ·

Thanks for the motivation to conduct sanity check. Just used my FLIR on my panels and found 1 or more smoking guns. One melty junction. good grief.

Originally I was tshooting voltage fluctuation, someone pointed out it was possibly MPPT sweep, in another post someone commented the sweep could become exacerbated by wiring / connectivity / resistance issues.

Odd thing is my fluctuations went away without me doing anything, I wonder if something melted together e.g. the junction box ?

found 3/8 panels with hot spots. 2 of them the whole left side is hotter than the other 2/3rds.



2 days ago

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