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com5984 asked

Quattro V MultiPlus

Just bought a cruising catamaran and I'm upgrading the power system. I'm on a steep learning curve, I want to use a Victron inverter/charger but not sure which one. I can see the difference is that the quattro has 2 ac inputs as opposed to 1 on the multiplus. I will have a DC generator and solar panels as the main charging system but I do have a Honda EU2200 as well.

My question is can I use the 2 ac inputs on the quattro as shore power inputs one for 230V and the other for 110V or does the voltage have to be the same or do I use one input for shore power and the other for the Honda?

How would I deal with the different voltages for shore power, do I need to add another component to deal with it?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

The Quattro features two AC inputs (AC-in-1 and AC-in-2) for connecting two independent voltage sources. For example, two generator sets, or a mains supply and a generator set.

The Quattro automatically selects the input where voltage is present. If voltage is present on both inputs, the Quattro selects the AC-in-1 input, to which normally the generating set is connected.

A 230VAC Quattro can not accept a 110/120VAC input (and visa-vera the other way around).

If you want the ability to use a single 230VAC Quattro with an 110/120VAC input, you will need to add an 'Auto transformer' to 'step' up the voltage to ~230VAC (and can be connected to one the Quattro's 230VAC inputs).


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jaywolfe avatar image
jaywolfe answered ·

Isolation transformer

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