
howard42 avatar image
howard42 asked

Is it possible to recover a pylontech battery from less than 44.5V (approx 40)

I have a new install of Multiplus II 3000 with 2 x Pylontech US2000 batteries. One battery is fine but the other is on continuous alarm. I have tried to charge this separately using 52V and 53.2V absorption/float over the past 2 days but it won't move from 40V - Any suggestions?

PS the voltage reading is taken from multiplus II with charging turned off. I also have 100/30 MPPT connected with solar control and this confirms low battery voltage as well.

Thanks in advance

battery chargingPylontech
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You would need to contact pylontech about getting that advice. I would suspect that the Pylontech BMS is stopping the charge for a reason and they should be able to help you I would think

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howard42 avatar image howard42 commented ·

Hi Paul B,

I bought the batteries along with solar panels, and inverter from ITS technologies but I'm beginning to think he's not a main dealer for Pylontech or Victron so support may be an issue. As you say, I may have to deal with Pylontech directly. Do you have any contact details of where I can get some advice? - The only address I have is where to send off the warranty card :-)

Thanks in advance

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trip-tracks avatar image
trip-tracks answered ·

@howard42, have you resolved this issue?

What lights are showing on the alarmed battery?

Have you taken the cables off the battery and measured the battery voltage?

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howard42 avatar image howard42 commented ·

Hi Trip-Tracks, unfortunately I haven't been able to resolve the issue yet.

When I turn the unit on the green led under the switch is illuminated. If I then press SW all the lights illuminate initially but then all the green SOC lights go out leaving just the red alarm led. After about 30s this also goes out leaving just the green on led under the switch.

In the description I mistakenly said that the battery voltage was 40V (reading from the Udc on the inverter). However, I think this must be some default value from the Victron unit as reading straight from the battery the voltage is actually zero. But.... When I turn the battery on the voltage is 0 but by pressing SW it momentarily jumps up before falling to zero again. It is so fast that I cannot get an actual voltage reading. This is straight from the battery terminals - no cables.

As I purchased two batteries I am able to test the installation with the other battery and found no issues - cables, inverter, mppt, solar panels, breakers etc all work fine. As yet I haven't put any load on the inverter as still in process of working on this side of the project - hopefully do that today (camper van conversion)

Thanks for your reply

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