
gevasta avatar image
gevasta asked

MultiPlus 1600.Possible to change floatvoltage on the fly?

I use a MultiPlus 1600 in my Motorhome and would like to be able to lower the float voltage of my LiFeYPO4 battery when parking the motorhome at home for longer periods.

I have a Digital Multi Control connected and an external switch which can be used in an assistant.

Most ideal would be the possibility to change the Battery Profile by using this switch.

Are the possible options without using my VE.Direct software and without bying a Color Control GX or Venus device?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ commented ·

you could use an assistant to ignore AC-input above either a certain battery voltage or battery SOC.
this doesn't work for any connected MPPT, but you might use one of the output relays as a remote on/off switch for the mppt.

A 'storage mode' option would be nice for the Victron BMS. I have that in the BMS I use in my systems, in 'storage mode' the BMS sends a lower charge voltage to the system.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
This does not seem to be possible. Neither VS nor Assitants have any option for anything close.

A Venus device wouldn't offer anything like this either (apart from remote VE.Configure) but that's not far of local VE.Configure for your purposes anyway. Besides, like Boekel said, this doesn't alter any MPPT settings (if you have one).

I agree, "Ignore AC Input" VS is the closest you are going to get for the MultiPlus control

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2 Answers
gevasta avatar image
gevasta answered ·

Thanks to both of you for the reply. It is a pity my request can’t be honored. Perhaps there will be a solution in the future.

My MPPT is easy to to change to a different charging profile. So no problems with this device.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Upcoming versions of Victron.Connect will support MultiPlus' so perhaps when that happens it'll make things easier for you.

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twistedtree avatar image
twistedtree answered ·

I would really like to be able to do this too. The Multi/Quattro programmability is really limiting when attempting to use LFP batteries. Absorb time needs to be adjustable down to a very low number, like 1 minute or less, like the MPPTs can do. The voltage also need to be adjustable on the fly via some programmatic method. Modbus woud be fine, for example, but all the settings are not accessible, let along writable. And there should be control over when the units return to bulk/absorb. No need to do that with LFP, or at least much less than with LA.

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ben avatar image ben ♦ commented ·

+1. A few very basic parameters, if exposed, would make things work so much better.

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