I might be interested in repowering a diesel electric plant into running a 3 phase Quattro setup running off partly solar. It would require the electric motor to run at different speeds. The current diesel can run 1500, 1600, 1700 and 1800 rpm or 50, 53.3, 56.6 and 60 Hz at the touch of a button.
Is there any way to get the increments off the quattros?
Can I change the frequency under load?
Alternativly power will be produced by a standard 50Hz generator on cheaper fuel than regular diesel. Can the Quattro make 60Hz out of 50Hz incoming? Or does the generator need to charge the batteries for the inverter to make 60Hz?Then it might get too inefficient overall.
Do I need the computer to adjust each unit individually or is there another externally signalled way? Its gonna be 3 to 9 15kva Quattros depending on the plant size.