
stocksy avatar image
stocksy asked

Multiplus 12/2000/80 burning smell after changing cables

Hi, After installing new cables for the above unit produced a strong electric burning smell and smoked.

I’ve been through all the connections and definitely haven’t done anything stupid like put the + on the -.

Now it won’t turn on at all and guessing it’s toast, but so annoying to not be able to figure out what happened. The multi has been happy working away for 2 years - finally got around to installing some new cabling (70mm2) and now this :(

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·

Yes, if nothing was hooked up wrong, it appears something that was unstable gave up on you after the shutdown and restart. It should be easy to spot, as that sort of smoke release tends to leave a clearly burned area around the culprit. Do you see anything on the visible boards under the cover?

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stocksy avatar image stocksy commented ·

Thanks Rick - I've tried to look, but the area where the smoke came from is quite tight and not wanting to remove the circuit board as might impact my warranty. I've contacted the dealer I got it from and they said it's still under the 5 year warranty, so will ship it back to them to assess/repair/replace...

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Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

One of the most common mistakes: connect the com wires (CAN / VEBus etc) first an then the Battery Poles ...... If Bat+ is connected after com wires the Capaciators will be loads through the coms electronics and in most cases will destroy it.

Hope that is not the case ....


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