
strepke74 avatar image
strepke74 asked

Connecting and sharing data between smartsolar, smartshunt and battery sense

G’day all,

I’ve installed a smartsolar 75-15 and a smart battery sense. The temperature is shared correctly but the battery voltage is not correct. This setup is now expanded with a smart shunt as not all equipment is connected on the load output of the smartsolar (loads exceeding 15 amp) so the larger consumers were connected to a second fusebox which was directly connected to the battery.

To y understanding, the battery load from the shunt is also shared on the smart network but the smartsolar doesnt show this.

Is this a known issue or am i doing something worng?

All are purchased in the last 18 months and are updated. All 3 devices are connected the same ve smart network.

Ideas are more then welcome.



VE.Smart Network
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The load current is not transmitted.

All negative wires have to be connected to the"load side" of the Shunt and only one wire is going from the "battery side" of the shunt to the battery, nothing else should be connected to the battery negative.

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strepke74 avatar image
strepke74 answered ·

Hi Matthias,

that is how I wired the system. Only one wire on the battery - All loads are connected to the other side of the shunt.

Reason for asking is that the smart solar captures historic data while the shunt doesn’t.



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Related Resources

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VE.Smart Networking Manual