I currently have a solar system with 500W of solar (connected in parallel), a Victron MPPT 100|50 charge controller, and a Victron BMV-712 Smart Battery Monitor. For my batteries, I have three 125Ah Deep-cylcle, marine-grade AGM batteries connected in parallel for a total of 375Ah. All of this is installed in my off-grid tiny house.
I'd like to upgrade my solar to bring in more power. Just got a new job, and it requires a new desktop computer that uses a lot more power than my laptop. However, with my current system, I don't have much room for growth because I have everything set up for 12v, and the solar can bring in up to 40A (though it is typically closer to 30). I'd like to add some panels and re-arrange everything to connect them in series (or a combination of series and parallel) to bring the solar power up to 24v. However, I want to keep my batteries set up in parallel for a 12v system.
Can I connect my panels in series to create a 24v charge and lower the Amps, but use my existing MPPT to charge my batteries even if my batteries stay at 12v? Does the charge controller compensate, and do I have to change anything specific in the settings?