1. 3 phase system with 6 3kVA Multiplus in off grid config. To maximise solar consumption I have set up assistants (general relay plus either programmable relay or gen start / stop will do this) to transfer to AC IN once the battery discharges to a certain level. This is set only on the master on L1 and will use the chargers on all the Multis. Works well.
2. But when inverting again an overload can occur on L3 due heavy loading. I dont have time to rebalance phases just at the moment so was hoping to emulate the assistants above to solve this too. But it does not work.
If Ioad the logic on L1 Master.. it does not affect L3 (unlike the voltage sense/ charging assitant in 1. I tried either the programmable relay or gen start/stop relay on the L3 master , plus the general relay assistant, but nothing happens.
Note the PV assistant is in place on all masters.. and is the last assistant.
Is it possible to get L3 to transfer to AC on overload condition during inverting?
I had no problem setting this up on a single phase system to test.. so my assistant logic works.. it just does not in a 3 phase set up.