
moiuk avatar image
moiuk asked

Smart lithium batteries and bms 12/200.

Looking to understand how the bms 12/200 manages the connected lithiums better.

My understanding is that the batteries will report data about itself back to the bms and bms will do all the control (low/high voltage shutdown and low temp shutdown).

But, at what voltage does the bms trigger a shutdown as there is no interface to it and nothing I can find in the spec sheet?

The battery has settings for low temp shutoff and low voltage shutoff, but nothing for high voltage shutoff. I assume these settings are passed to the bms?

Can someone who knows help clarify my thinking and help with what the shutoff voltage is that must be preprogrammed into the bms ?

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1 Answer
heidi avatar image
heidi answered ·

The integrated cell balancing system of an LFP smart battery will trigger the overvoltage protection of the BMS if a cell reaches >3,7V, as discribed in the manual: "4.1 Cell balancing and alarms".

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moiuk avatar image moiuk commented ·

Many thanks, is the rest of how I described it working correct?

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