
David avatar image
David asked

ESS can i use the grid as a generator - ie bring in grid to charge battery from say 20% up to 30%

ESS can i use the grid as a generator - ie bring in grid to charge battery from say 20% up to 30%

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yes you can. In the ESS menu you can adjust the minimum SOC and it will charge from grid up to that point

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Another way is to use the scheduled charge feature and set the SOC target and the time to start as straight away, and then run it for as long as is needed to get there.

Yet another way, is to set the grid set point to a level where it charges the batteries (and then back to 0, or -50W when you are happy with where it is).

And yet another way, is to change the MODE in the ESS menu to keep batteries charged. That will also charge the batteries from the grid, and turn back to optimised when you reach your desired charge level.

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