I'm looking for help building an integrated solution that will not overcharge the batteries in my RV.
I have: 3 panels of solar for 1020 watts, connected to a Smartsolar 150/85. I also have the VE.Direct Bluetooth b/c of where this unit is positioned relative to where I prefer to monitor b/c of bluetooth range.
Magnum Magnasine 2812 inverter charger
Magnum battery monitor
Onan QD7500 diesel generator
8 GC2 golf cart batteries set up as a 12V array - Because this is an RV, this MUST remain a 12V system.
My issue: With near continuous 4-5 amp load out of the batteries, I'm not sure that the Magnasine is charging properly with the generator running, or that the solar is not overcharging the batteries at the same time b/c it only has the voltage to monitor - no battery monitor (yet?) on the Victron side. During a 2 week period with the generator running 24/7, the batteries used a total of about 2 ounces of water per week each, or about a quart for the array over 2 weeks. To me, this seems excessive.
I'm thinking about a complete system with the Multiplus 2000 or 3000, the new Cerbo or Color Control.... What I would like is a centrally controlled system where ONE device knows everything going into or out of the batteries and manages the needs with monitoring. Is this possible? Do I need a BMV for that? Does the Cerbo or Color Connect do this with the added benefit of internet / remote monitoring possible?