
greekgeek avatar image
greekgeek asked

Simple connection of 2 mppt chargers

Hey there, is it possible to connect 2 mppt chargers ( from 2 different arrays) without any kind of connection between chargers? Lets suppose 2 same 75/15 chargers with stock settings, connected in parallel to the same battery. Cheers

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You can have many independent charging sources connected to one battery.
No communication between the chargers is necessary in smaller systems.

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greekgeek avatar image
greekgeek answered ·

Thank u for ur quick reply, what do you mean smaller systems though? Up to 500w? I am talking about a 200w 24v array connected to one charger and another 275w 24v single panel connected to another 75/15 charger, both charging a 230amp battery

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jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·

Independant systems aren’t no problem until they are together charging your system at more that your battery can safety take (often 2c)

After that you need to thing about DVCC or other means of charge current control.

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