Hello Vicronauts,
I am trying to go some more deep in MODBUS communication. I going to adapt my wallbox based on a Siemens LOGO! controller to use maximum solar energy which is actual produced in combination if neccessary with using the batteries but not using GRID support.
I was successfully to read based on the Victron spreadshead the registers all necessary values and use them to do the job on the LOGO!. But now I need to switch by the LOGO! controller one relay in my 3-phase Multiplus-II setup thru modbus.
I tried it with register 806 and +/-1 as well with 805 and 807 but it didn't work. I am wondering if I use the right register? My GX-device is integrated into the Multiplus-II. Therefore I think the relay I can connect to on the Multiplus-II is different from a CCGX Relay? Isn't it?
In the spreadsheet there can be found following relays.
- 806 - com.victronenergy.system - CCGX Relay 1 state
- 280 - com.victronenergy.battery - relay status
- 780 - com.victronenergy.solarcharger - relay on the charger
- 2320- com.victronenergy.charger - relay on the charger
But not one of them looks to me as suitable to use for my intention!
My fundamental question is it possible to access the relay on a Multiplus-II GX thru MODBUS?
And in detail, how to address a relay of a specific Multiplus-II? I use three of them in a 3-phase installation.
How about the "open collector outputs" K1 and K2 of the three Multiplus-II?
Perhaps there is only a way in a combination with a assistant? Relay assistant? But I couldn't puzzled it out! I would appreciate very much any input on this, which puts me onto the right track! Thanks in advance