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pugloaf asked

Disconnected the battery but Victron Connect still shows its voltage

While car camping this weekend with my 100 watt solar panel, Victron connect 75/10 MPPT, and running a small 12 volt fridge, I had my first dead car battery.

My car would not crank and the fridge stopped running, but Victron Connect was showing a battery voltage of about 13.1 volts. I ended up jump starting the car. I suspected that the voltage display on the Victron was just wrong, since I had two devices that were both displaying low voltage symptoms.

When I got home, I disconnected the battery wires on the MPPT. At this point, the MPPT was only connected to the solar panel. Yet Victron Connect still reported a battery voltage (somewhere around 12.9 if I recall). How/why would the Victron report a battery voltage if I was not connected to a battery?

I suspect my dead battery was caused by the Victron constantly giving a false reading on the battery voltage, thus the Victron was probably not attempting to charge the battery.

Edited to add the following:

A couple weeks ago, I disconnected the battery from the MPPT without disconnecting the solar panel from the MPPT. Then, I reconnected the battery. However, I know I should have disconnected solar power, reconnected battery, and then reconnected solar. Perhaps connecting the solar panel/ battery in the wrong order caused the MPPT to get confused about the battery voltage?

So, last night, I disconnected everything and reonnected it in the proper order (battery then solar). Then, I used a mulitmeter to measure battery voltage and compared that reading to the Victron reading. The readings matched, and continued to match this morning. I plan on testing all this in my driveway (with benefit of multimeter if needed) to try to figure this out before the next camping trip.

Any tips on why I had the false battery readings would be appreciated!

MPPT SmartSolar
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


If the panels were connected then victron connect would have been reading the panel voltage and showing that.

Also the battery should not have been disconnected before the panel was disconnected.

The mppt may not have been able to charge if the panel voltage was not higher than the battery voltage as that is when charging starts.

Did you have any battery protect devices preventing over discharge of your batteries by your 12volt loads?

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pugloaf avatar image
pugloaf answered ·

Amanda, I know in Victron Connect there are separate sections for panel voltage and battery voltage. So with the battery disconnected, I would expect to see 0 voltage under battery voltage. It's just really weird to me that on a "dead" battery (a battery that won't crank a car or run a small fridge that only draws about 4 amps), that the app would tell me the battery is at 13.1 volts. I

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The Victron MPPT does not need a battery voltage to start up. If the battery is disconnected, it will create the float voltage at the battery terminals. This is very useful when a battery is a very low (or 0V due to BMS) to start the system back up again.

But I understand it can be confusing if you are expecting 0V, and then to see the MPPT creating voltage on the battery side and reporting it as if a battery was connected.

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