
sunnycoastgreg avatar image
sunnycoastgreg asked

skylla-i nmea2000 interface + venus gx

Have skylla-i interfaced to nmea2000 bus on boat - wia its Ve.can port - all good and working.

However not all PGNs are displayable of MFDs - and to enable remote monitoring via victron cloud etc - i wish to add a Venus GX.

Q: can the venus gx be added to the system by plugging it onto nmea2000 bus directly?
or does the skylla need to connect to venus gx ve.can port, and then the second can port of GX connect onto nmea2000 bus?
is there any advantage or disadvantage in either of above connection methods?


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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @sunnycoastgreg, adding a Venus GX will not increase the amount of PGNs or data available from the Skylla-i. Venus GX is not "enriching" the information or anything like that.

Connection will indeed be that the Venus GX is plugged onto the NMEA2000 network.

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sunnycoastgreg avatar image sunnycoastgreg commented ·

thx for fast response and this clarification - i did read the venus GX manual, however the diagrams show it connected ”between” the skylla and nmea bus. (although cerbo manual shows it the other way .. hence my confusion/questions)

My MFDs will not display “all” of the available PGNs from skylla (using the victron nmea PGN document - and then cross referencing MFD PGN support)

Q: hence I was expecting that with addition of venus GX :
- would allow display of ALL the PGNs?
eg the ac power, charger state etc
- control of mains power input level (in lieu of the dedicated control panel) ?
- access via VRM.... ?

.. just checking the “additional value” i would get by adding a venus GX onto the nmea bus - before I purchase

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ sunnycoastgreg commented ·

Hi. most likely the manual looks like that simply because there are two connectors that are wired up in in parallel: the Venus GX looks to be in the middle, but in reality is not.

For the PGNs: Venus GX will not help - it does not add PGNs for the Skylla-i. What PGNs are you missing?

Just like the dedicated control panel, also the Venus GX allows setting mains power input level.

And further more, yes VRM access, and a whole lot more. For more details on what you can do with a Venus GX please read its manual and or contact a dealer to discuss in detail.


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