we are working on a project with a small solar station but don't have the victron hardware yet. To gain some experience with the vrm api, i tried to work with the demo login. I am able to get a bearer token for the demo login and the api documentation sais the user id for the demo login is 22.
I set the header as follows (of course with the real bearer token without the sq. brackets):
X-Authorization: Bearer {[the_bearer_token_here]}
Unfortunately, every attempt to access any API endpoint like https://vrmapi.victronenergy.com/v2/users/22/installations results in 401 and
{ "success": false, "errors": "Token is invalid.", "error_code": "invalid_token" }
I tried this with curl and Postman without any success.
Is there a way to get access to the demo data or am i doing something wrong?
Many thanks in advance