
carel-landman avatar image
carel-landman asked

Multiplus-II GX Wifi Problems

I am struggling to update the firmware of the GX device. I did the firmware update on the Inverter/Charger through the MK3-USB cable and by making use of the Victron Connect App. I then proceeded to try and update the firmware of the GX. The GX is connected to the internet, but whenever I try to update the firmware, the remote console screen freezes and I get kicked from the GX's wifi. The only way for me to regain connection is to restart the Inverter/Charger. I am also not able to connect to the site via Remote Console. Any help on this issue would be appreciated.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Carel Landman

Are you connected to the vrm?

You could connect the multi to the router with an Ethernet cable (can be inconvient, I know) and try that way locally or over the vrm.

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carel-landman avatar image carel-landman Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I am on VRM, managed to register the site before being kicked off of the wifi for the first time. So I can see the site on my VRM, but cannot acces the remote console. The router is mounted very far from the Inverter. The house is fitted with various wifi extenders, so there is quite good signal strength at the inverter. I have tried connecting my laptop directly to the gx via a ethernet cable, but it still did not work.

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4 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi @Carel Landman

Which GX device and how did you configure it to start with?

Just a couple of things. The GX should be connected to a router to obtain an IP address. This should be the case already given it has internet access. Once you know its address on the local LAN, you can then connect from a PC connected to the lan by typing the GX's IP address into your browser which will bring up the remote console. Once you access the remote console, there is a setting that enables/disables the remote console on VRM. Also, the LAN connection can be disabled so another thing to check. And last but not least, The VRM portal setting has a two way communication setting that should be enabled.

Hope this helps.

PS - Just make sure that you only have once connection with the system e.g. the GX device should be disconnected when you configure the MP etc.

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carel-landman avatar image carel-landman commented ·

Thank you very myuch for your answer!

As this is a MultiPlus-II GX, I am referring the the built-in GX device. Initially, I did exactly as you are describing, I enabled the remote console on VRM and disabled the password check. The problem comes when I try and update the software, we have 3 sites up and running with this same problem, we cannot update the firmware of the GX device and we cannot connect to remote VRM, despite the device being connected to the internet and all the correct settings being enabled and accordingly disabled. All three sites have a MultiPlus-II GX 3000.

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dayandnight avatar image
dayandnight answered ·

Hello @Carel Landman,

I am running as you a Multiplus-II 3000 GX without any network claim. I would like to help you, but even with reading several times your post, I wasn't able to find something to assist you directly. As above @ejrossouw mentioned it is essential that the GX-device has a connection to a router.

Excuse my question, but are you sure that you have connected the GX device by to your router? Can you see it with your router? Does your router offer a DHCP service? This DHCP service will provide to the GX device all what is necessary to be connected. This is the IP-Address, the gateway address, and the DNS-server address. I guess you are running in the moment in very basic network problems, so all what is based on this won't work correctly. The mulitplus is configured out of the box to work with DHCP and therefore it gets the IP-Address from your router, but the router has to be running a DHCP-service.

My advise, make sure that your wifi network is setup properly or in case you can't solve the Wifi problem, try to connect by wire for the first steps the Multiplus to your router with a loooong network cable. Normally for connecting a new device to a wifi network you need a credential, which might be wrong or something else can occur what blocks the new device to be accepted from the wifi network. With a wired connection it is much easier to do.

In case you know the IP-address of the GX-device you can follow the hint from @ejrossouw above: "Once you know its address on the local LAN, you can then connect from a PC connected to the lan by typing the GX's IP address into your browser which will bring up the remote console"

Normally there is a sort of protocl or web-page wihthin the router where you can find your devices and the ip-address. There you should look at first for the GX-device.

Good Luck and Success!


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carel-landman avatar image carel-landman commented ·

Thank you very much for this detailed answer, I will be sure to try and find the IP address that is assigned to the GX and then connect to the MP directly via a LAN cable. I will let you know if I get the problem fixed!

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ccc-telecom avatar image
ccc-telecom answered ·

I have the same problems with MultiPlus II GX WiFI, the signal strength issue is critical, it will only see an access point if it is right next to it, meaning that in nearly all installations the ethernet cable has to be used

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Tony Hamilton avatar image
Tony Hamilton answered ·

So in summary are We saying that an ethernet cable MUST be connected directly to a router to allow future use via WiFi after? I guess if thats the case I need a 50m cable LOL Why isn't the MultiPlus provided with a better WiFi connection range? I was supplied with a small aerial but there is nowhere on the unit to attach it?!

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