Researching the BP-65 to see if I can integrate it into my system.
What I want to do is use it between my MPPT 75/15’s and my 24V LifePo4 to interrupt charging in the event of a cell balancing issue (overcharging).
As I understand it can be used to do this although it is more commonly used to interrupt load output power supply to protect against undercharged state.
My question is, how do the contacts work on the BP-65? I see it has a High, Low and Ground.
I was hoping to be able to use an aftermarket BMS to trigger disconnect. It’s contact outputs are open collector types with High Limit Switch, Low Limit Switch, and Ground terminals. It’s configured to be open at all times and then grounds out when activated to trigger an external device.
Does the BP-65 work the same way? Is it a normally open device?
If so, would it be as simple as connecting the HLS output terminal of the aftermarket BMS to the H input terminal of the BP-65 along with Ground to Ground?
I have a BMV-712 and understand I could connect the BP-65 to it to trigger disconnect, but the aftermarket BMS is able to monitor my battery cells individually versus an overall Over Voltage trigger which is how I understand the BMV-712 and the BP-65 work, with 712 monitoring/measuring if there is an overall Over Voltage condition in which case it triggers the BP-65 to disconnect.