
americanium avatar image
americanium asked

Multiplus 2 - AC Out 2 turn off / disable


I have a Multiplus 2 and want to disable the AC out (1 and 2), is that possible ?

Does anybody know the power loss of the Multiplus 2 ?

The venus tells me that AC out is always consuming aber 20-30W.




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5 Answers
teemischer avatar image
teemischer answered ·

I asked a similiar question a few days ago. I would also like to be able to disable the AC out. Exactly like when there is a loss-of-mains. AC gets shut off (internal relay) and critical loads stay on.

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teemischer avatar image
teemischer answered ·

and to your question Alex: I think the readings you are seeing are errors in measurement from the internal CTs. I you have nothing connected there will be no consumption. Even if you swith off AC out.

The idle power consumption is mainly caused by the FETs thermal losses when switching (so a sine wave on the AC Out ports is generated). But this output-sine is the same one, no matter if ACout 1 or ACout2 (internally connected through relays)

So a real power saving would be to switch off BOTH of the AC Outs (like in charger only mode). Then the FETs would not be switching to generate AC power at all.

Again: If your question really was: How do I disable ACout 1 and 2 AT THE SAME TIME: Set your Multi to Charger only mode. Done.

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americanium avatar image
americanium answered ·

Well the main reason why i ask that is because I want to reduce all unnecessary loss ... when I compare the Venus GX "measurement" data how much power goes TO the battery and comes back FROM the battery (Pylon LifePo4) it seems that the efficiency is only 70%....

When comparing the power value in the GUI main screen (the live values) the value "to grid" is always about 50-80W lower than the power value which "comes from battery"....

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markussi avatar image
markussi answered ·

@teemischer: I think that americanium use the ESS Mode and so he need no AC-out.

The zero load power loss of the Multiplus 3000 is about 11W in Island Mode and ~16W in ESS Mode. The consumption of the venus gx is ~5W. The Power Measurement of the Multiplus is not very exact.

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americanium avatar image
americanium answered ·


Right, ESS mode. Is there any possibility to switch off the MP2 when for example there is no PV (over Fronius inverter) and the battery is empty ? Or is the not good for the device when switching on/off/on/off/on/off.......


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