
jordifax avatar image
jordifax asked

3rd party external antenna for GSM GX

Hey everyone.

We are about to install many systems in remote places in Africa and will use the GSM GX module for internet connection. Since a lot of the places will have poor connectivity, I am looking at improving the signal with an external antenna.

However, the option offered by Victron (below pic) seems quite limited. The cable is only 0.25 meter long, you need a screw base to attach it somewhere and the gain is only 3 dBi...
Does anyone have experience using antennas from other manufacturers for that?

Will 3rd party antennas work if we make sure to get one with the same type of cable, connector and frequency ranges? Is there anything else to take into account?

Thanks in advance and much sun to all!

gx devicemonitoring
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2 Answers
Manuel Krenzke avatar image
Manuel Krenzke answered ·

Hi Jordi,

in the past we had quite good experience with this one:

Hirschmann MCA 1890 STAT

It comes with a 5m long high quality RG58 cable. But please make sure you'll get the one with SMA connector (not FME!) to make it fit GX GSM directly (without an adapter).

Regards Manuel

PS: It seems this type is no longer available. Other options used (recommended) by our customers...



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Manuel Krenzke avatar image
Manuel Krenzke answered ·

There is one more thing....

A real gain of 3dbi is quite a lot: +3dbi means double the power.

This video describes it very well...

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