Hi, I am new to solar systems (pretty excited) and have just purchased an Easy Solar 24/1600/40/16 MPPT 100/50, BMV712, VE Bluetooth dongle (for controller) and two 12v 220 amp Lead Acid Batteries which I will be taking to my remote cabin. There is no internet or mains power available there.
I have two questions which I would appreciate answers for.
Is it ok to charge my batteries using the easy solar, charge only mode, connected to mains before i take them bush and connect the solar panels? How will I know the batteries are 100% charged before syncing to the BMV?
Regarding the BMV712. Should I update the firmware (is it necessary) on the BMV before syncing to the batteries? Are there other devices needing firmware updates in the Easy Solar and if so should I update those as well before taking them out of internet access?
Thanks for help in advance.