
noel1968 avatar image
noel1968 asked

Setting on BMV 712 for Charged Voltage


I have Mutli plus 3000/48 V with a MPPT 150/70. Its connected through ESS and the charger setting is

- Absorption voltage is 57.60 and float is 55.20 (as per battery Manufacturer settings)

I have connected the BMV 712 through VE to the CCGX.

In the BMV 712 - what should my settings be for charged voltage? as per the manual it states that for 48V its recommended at 52.8 or the charged voltage parameter should be slightly below the end of charge voltage of the charger (usually 0.2V to 0.3V below the float voltage.

If I set it at 52.8V will it not contradict with 55.2 set in the ESS? Or

can I set it 55.0 as per the battery specs - less 0.2V



BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Jaco Reinecke avatar image
Jaco Reinecke answered ·


My BMS is set to 0.3v below Bulk voltage, as I've read on a few sites.

BMV is as accurate as can be.


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noel1968 avatar image noel1968 commented ·

Thanks for the late response. Yes I have set it to 0.3v

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trunglqvtv avatar image
trunglqvtv answered ·

Help help
we have projector christie entero hb rpmhd-led02
now it can not start up when I press power ON
the power fan run 40 second then it stop, I see the light on Network cable on EM module but it not starting up, it seem to be not present 12VDC on Em module, and the fan on Light module start 5 second then it stop
after that power module also stop
could you please help me ? does ME module has problem?
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