
Scott Clark avatar image
Scott Clark asked

How to turn on/off Lock Set-up on Victron BMV?


Thank you in advance for your time and effort responding to this question.

I 'm sure this is obvious, but I am afflicted with 'men's eyes' and haven't been able to find this feature's location. Where do I find Lock Set-up in the VictronConnect App settings or dial face please?

The manual (below) suggests the Miscellaneous section, but I only have:

Shunt current

Shunt voltage

Aux Input

I believe the App version is up-to-date ((V5.1) and I get the same on the Demo library version.

BMV Battery Monitor
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4 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi; have you tried looking for this on the device itself? I’m sure its there.

I’m not so sure we have the setting acailable in the app as well.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I can't find the setting in the app, but on the device it's self menu 64 is available to me.

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Scott Clark avatar image
Scott Clark answered ·

Thanks guys, yes it's definitely available through the digital dial.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

I remember hearing it was a deliberate design decision to not include it in the app, as that would to some degree negate the purpose of the feature as it would be too easy to turn off.

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