
shankar-giri avatar image
shankar-giri asked

60V inverter option

I'm planning to acquire a 60v battery pack. Can the MultiPlus II work with this voltage? I will have a separate charge controller for charging the battery, so the requirement is only the inverter application, not charging.

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You did not say whether that 60V is the fully charged Voltage or the nominal Voltage.
I assume it is the nominal Voltage, in that case, make sure the battery Voltage never exceeds 66V.

I don't think these parameters would be suitable for a nominal 60V battery, I wouldn't recommend using a 60V battery with a 48V appliance.
The Voltage range for a 48V MultiPlus is 38V to 66V. Do not exceed 66V!


You said you are not interested in charging, but because the MultiPlus is also a charger anyway, the maximum Absorb Voltage is 64V for your information.

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